uMngeni-uThukela Water is a state-owned entity (SOE) that came into existence on the 1st of July 2023, through the incorporation of Mhlathuze Water into Umgeni Water. The entity provides water and related services to other water services institutions and other customers in its gazetted service area of the Province of KwaZulu-Natal. The entity operates in accordance with the Water Services Act (Act 108 of 1997) and the Public Finance Management Act (Act 1 of 1999), amongst others, and is categorised as a National Government Business Enterprise.
uMngeni-uThukela Water reports directly to the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS), through the Board (Accounting Authority) and through its functionaries, the Chairperson of the Board and the Chief Executive. The Minister of Water and Sanitation is the Executive Authority for Water Boards. Technical Support Services plays an important role in facilitating the efficient delivery and implementation of infrastructure projects by ensuring that social engagement strategies are effected and environmental permits and licences are in place, thus ensuring that the organisation realises the company’s vision, strategy and mandate. The primary activities of uMngeni-uThukela Water, as pronounced in section 29 of the Water Services Act, is to provide water services (water supply and sanitation services) to other water services institutions in its service area.
In addition, section 30 of the Water Services Act, enables uMngeni-uThukela Water to undertake other activities, provided they do not impact negatively on the entity’s ability to perform its primary activity. They include:
In order to ensure that infrastructure projects are not detrimental to the environment, several environmental legislative components need to be considered and adhered to. The following key legislation is relevant to infrastructure project and all requirements pertaining to these acts must be considered prior to implementation:
All relevant environmental conditions prescribed in terms of environmental legislation must be appropriately and adequately considered during the planning, design, construction, operation and decommissioning phases of a project.
uMngeni-uThukela Water, a state-owned entity, is one of Africa’s most successful organisations involved in water management and is the largest supplier of bulk potable water in the Province of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
The organisation was established in 1974.
310 Burger Street Pietermaritzburg 3201. South Africa
PO Box 9,
Pietermaritzburg 3200
South Africa
Tel: +27 (33) 341 1111
Fax: +27 (33) 341 1167
Toll Free: 0800 331 820
7 Portland Road Mkondeni
3201. South Africa
PO Box 9,
Pietermaritzburg 3200
South Africa
Tel: +27 (33) 846 1700
Fax: +27 (33) 386 3673
Toll Free: 0800 331 820
13 Pineside Road
New Germany
3610. South Africa
PO Box 11,
New Germany 3620
South Africa
Tel: +27 (31) 719 7300
Fax: +27 (31) 719 7325
Toll Free: 0800 331 820
Cnr South Central Arterial & Battery Bank Alton
Richards Bay, 3901
KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Private Bag X1047,
Richards Bay, 3900
South Africa
Tel: +27 (35) 902 1000
Fax: +27 (35) 902 1111
Toll Free: 0800 331 820
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