MEDIA AND PUBLIC NOTICE: Release of water from the Hazelmere Dam Due to heavy rains

Thursday, 28 December 2023

The heavy rains in some parts of KwaZulu-Natal have prompted uMngeni-uThukela Water to release water from the Hazelmere Dam. The release of water will start at 8am on Friday, 29 December 2023 and continue until a safe operating level is attained. This exercise is necessary to prevent the risk of flooding of dwellings located upstream of the dam.

Recent streamflow and dam level readings indicate that inflows into Hazelmere have increased exponentially and the dam level continues to rise. Currently, the water level at the Hazelmere Dam is at 85%, which poses a risk of flooding of homes located within the flood line upstream of the dam.

For these reasons, Umngeni-uThukela Water which manages this dam on behalf of the Department of Water and Sanitation has taken a decision to release water on an emergency basis in order to reduce the dam level to comply with set operating rules

Water released from Hazelmere Dam makes its way into the Mdloti River, causing it to rise significantly. The river swells can be significant and do pose a risk drowning or getting washed away for people attempting to cross the river during this time.

We therefore urge the public to stay away from the river, not attempt to cross low-lying bridges and to safeguard any property, including livestock, that may be in proximity of the river banks while the water releases are in progress.

Issued: uMngeni-uThukela, Corporate Stakeholder Management Unit, Office of the Chief Executive


ULwesine, 28 Disemba 2023

Izimvula ezinamandla ezingxenyeni zesifundazwe saKwaZulu-Natal seziphoqe isikhungo esiphehla amanzi uMngeni-uThukela ukuba sidedele amanzi kwelinye lamadamu asenyakatho neTheku, iHazelmere Dam.

Lokhu kuzoqala ngehora lesishiyalombili ekuseni ngoLwesihlanu mhla zingu 29 Disemba 2023 kanti kuyoqhubeka kuze kube idamu lifinyelela ezingeni eliphephile lokusebenza. Ukudedelwa kwamanzi edamini kubalulekile ukuze kuqikelelwe ukuphepha kwemizi eyakhiwe bude buduze nalo ngoba ingaba sengcupheni yokwemuka uma lingagcwala lize lichitheke.

Ngokwezikalo zakamuva zomthamo wamanzi, iHazelmere Dam igcwele iyachichima njengoba iku-85% kanti isaqhubeka ukwamukela amanzi.

Ngenxa yalokhu, uMngeni-uThukela uyaphoqeleka ukuthi udedele amanzi ukuze kwehliswe umthamo wawo. Amanzi azodedelwa eHazelmere azongena emfuleni uMdloti nokuzoholela ekutheni ugcwale kakhulu. Ngaleyondlela sicela ukuthi umphakathi uqaphele ukuwela umfula njengoba uzobe udla izindwani.

Kanjalo nabantu abanempahla esosebeni lomfula, kubalwa nemfuyo, siyabacela ukuthi baqaphe kakhulu ngalesisikhathi ngoba kuzoba nobungozi bokwemuka.